Thanks Mike another outstanding read👍💕

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When you register ( legally means to give partial control ownership )your vote with the Crown NZ govt it means it makes no difference which person or ideological Party you vote for the systems rigged.

I see this as a way to get the majority( disenfranchised) that dont vote voting.

Gunning for the dis enfrachised

" The govt always gets in"

" He who counts the votes counts"

" if voting changed anything they wouldn't let you do it"

We need to be the changes we want to see.

Govt is the problem not the solution.

Learning love is the law will allow people to say " no" calmly and firmly to govts tyrannical legislation/rules.

The central banksters govt control mechanism is fear.

We need to choose Love.

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Great Article Mike; Liz certainly seems committed to Country (People) of New Zealand

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And I forget that I think these days the content of those party names change a lot! Labout doesn't mean what it meant decades ago and National is missing the Inter- prefix ;o) they are much more serving Inter-National interests.

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Totally agree. Both could be called the International Globalist Party or something like that - the Sneaky Coalition of Anti-Kiwi Parties!

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Mike

Well written Mike and I share your sentiments.

I lost almost all trust in the political system and was very cynical until a few weeks ago and I found my home with NZ Loyal. As you wrote they are a party format but more a movement, not dogmatic and not willing to be a party though accepting the reality of this format as a necessary step towards reform(att)ing the system.

As a friend of mine said recently: "Every current party started small as an idea in someones head. NZ Loyal may grow, or it may not, that is irrelevant to my decision." I agree with him, it is not a tactical thought-process for me but something deeper and I have only managed to find the morality in NZ Loyal. It doesn't mean that other freedom parties don't have it, but only means that since I have found it, I don't look for it elsewhere.

I feel - and almost being convinced within - that seemingly despite all odds it's not at all a lost game and I refuse to yield to the hypnotic "wasted vote" mantra. You articulated much better than I had it in my mind so I might quote this article every now and then ;o)

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Liz actually likes it and says I articulated the central question around the party (that it is more than a party) well. She's going to read it out loud herself and put it out so it should get quite a bit of traction. ... Yes, we've been in a political wilderness for a long time. Now there is something we can really go for.

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Well said István. My comments appear on this version (be great if the different comment threads could be combined): https://counterspinmedia.substack.com/p/new-zealand-are-you-going-to-fall

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Seems to be no rhyme or reason in how these comments come. I get separate emails to link to them. I'll see if I can sort them better but don't hold your breath.

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