This has allowed me to take off the shelf previous revelations that were unconfirmed at the time I first heard them. Very heartening, but not without being a little challenging. Hopefully knowledge that that helps awaken the sleeping sheeple.

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thanks . This supports what I have been privy to from other sources but found too hard to believe at the time, in 2020.

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Thanks, Mike, I am much indebted to your work as I have chosen to turn my energies to other matters. This is very informative.

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Why don't we look less at the MSM naratives, detatch from the political, hierarchy control theme and focus on how the victims, every day citizens can totally change the dynamics of our response to mafia-controlled people farming.

Here is your payed-forward participation account from the actual non-default civilization of human species who survived the planned global democide that is presently in progress, and somehow on all counts of holocaustic assessment, have included with this document, the fine details of exactly how you helped civilization's system-cleansing, purification and ground-zero restart.

If you can imagine that the distilled energy relayed with this document comes from at least half a billion life-loving human mothers and fathers who respectfully honor your shared integrity and alignment with Cosmic Law. They are the forerunners who have returned from the ethereal future with ongoing gratitude and amazement at what the full understanding and magnitude of Non-Default-Sovereign-Ownership means to the rest of the human species.

As much as Self-Ownership may not have raised an eyebrow in past years, it’s not that way now. Have you ever been asked whether you own your self, or asked other people the same question? It’s not a topic normally discussed anywhere on Earth until recently, when the words ‘DEPOPULATION’ and ‘STEALTH GENOCIDE’ became popularized. That’s probably when sheer determination towards investigative momentum began to escalate, particularly in that: the concept of owning your body and conscious SELF should be a common global acknowledgement, yet this could not be any further from the truth, particularly when determining whether we actually do own our existence-status and are independently able to govern health, safety and moral integrity of our lives.

For the millions of innocent victims who have not yet updated their personal security awareness data, please find the same clear protocols that were used to get this informationto you..


Kind regards,

Harris Bluefield

Metaphysical Australia

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Sorry Mike - you are aware of much, but you assume that the "Q" operation isn't a CIA driven strategy to get many high IQ people to sit back and do absolutely nothing.

Trump serves the Zionist Jab All Cabal - not a single charge against him will stop him from becoming the SELECTED President. It's all a SHOW, much like WWE, just political. Trump stopped opening the JFK documents, prevented a real investigation in to 911, signed the 6 Trillion Cares Act that paid for the Remdesivir and Ventilator murders, didn't fire Fauci, boasts about the Jabs, allowed 5G and new toxic pesticides etc. etc. etc.,

Sheldon Adelson has his back, he was saved from bankruptcy by the Money Lending Thieves - The US Military ran the Jab All Agenda - they serve the Globalists. Darpa's hydrogel was used in all the jabs. After supposedly having "contracted CvD" while on HCQ :) Trump, with "Natural Immunity" then got jabbed and later even boasted about being "boosted" (con artist) - wow. Either he's in on the Long CON or he must be the biggest DUMB FUCK around - (re: Germ Theory trained doctors he was surrounded by - lol).

These two articles may help you -



If you want to go into how the Banksters are involved - check this -


Word of advice - don't be too quick to insult people's "intellectual abilities" based on your current understanding of a "situation" :)

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Q was a psy-op but for the good. The questions you raise are dealt with at the end of our interview with Pascal Najadi which will be released hopefully today. I am very aware of your arguments but all my research shows me the Najadi hypothesis of Operation Storm is the correct one, not your one of Trump being a baddie. If such dirt existed on Trump they would have used it long ago.

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My bet is your bias has turned into Cognitive Dissonance and you are not aware of the full scope of "my argument" (truly) i.e. you likely didn't look at the insurmountable evidence within my articles. Trump is now a FAKE JEW i.e. those who call themselves Jews, but are not i.e. he serves the Synagogue of Satan.

Najadi, albeit a good addition to the "War against the Beast" is a Johnny Come Lately - he doesn't understand the full scope of the Beastly structure (understandably). He had no ties to the "Q" mind game or to Trump before he got involved.

Trump needs to continue to promote the Jabs (and he will) as he serves the Beast. I've researched, fulltime, for the past 4 years - I know other "Q" swallowers (truth mixed with deception), I've sat on the fence for a long time trying to work it all out - but unlike many I collect (stack up) the evidence until it becomes obvious - as you would see in my articles. Using words like "Deep State" or "Swamp" means NOTHING, as least Dr. David Martin names names - who did Trump fire? lol

He never finished the wall (deliberately - Cabal's orders) so as to allow Biden's team to have the influx of migrants (not Trump's plan, it's the CFR & CIA's plan).. Trump boasts about the jabs that Biden forced on everyone. You think they wanted Clinton to have 8 years lol - that would have been completely OBVIOUS, Trump is in with the Clintons, that's why he let her off the hook (please don't tell me she's a double lol- makes zero difference). Bill Gates even states that he told Trump not to investigate vaccines - vaccines are a major cause of disease on our planet, yet the one opportunity to deal with this Crime and Trump listens to Bill Gates.

There is nothing you can say to refute my insurmountable evidence against Trump - I'm not manufacturing "fake evidence", nor a fake "witch hunt" - real shit that puts him in the same boat as puppet Biden i.e. a SELECTED PRESIDENT under the control of the Money Lenders. It's all an elaborate script and he is performing the role of an actor, albeit it that he scores massively by being in with the WEF and Israel etc.

Your "argument" is not "your argument" - it's a hand down that is required for the Cabal to deal with the awakening they knew would occur. It's a back-up plan in their game of ensuring they continue to deceive American voters to still place a vote for one of their Select. Yet! by voting for the "fake victim" (mass herd technique) they will ensure that no one will hold him accountable for his role in the Jab All Crime Against Humanity i.e. they will get off the hook and he will continue to pretend that the jabs "saved lives". They are destroying America and Trump can't make it "Great Again" - they are 30+ Trillion in debt, he may not have been a "War President" last term, but he signed the massive Military budget - the Cares Act was crime against future generations he signed with indifference.

I bet you haven't herd that argument :) - This is a psychological game needed to control the masses.

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