Dec 3, 2023Liked by Mike

Guilty gruberment. There is so much chatter about this. A lot of confusion but I don't think this matters. Whether the stats are clean or not we all have our lived experiences. Some are saying it is a psy op but again it doesn't matter. At this point there is no bad press. It is now up to all authorities world wide to give us the data. Put up or shut up! This man has given a lot of people hope and whether he meant to or not doesn't matter. It is all going to come out and the desire of people everywhere to see the grubs undone is palpable. Prayers to all involved.

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Thanks Mike. More please. This is an unfolding situation that needs to be carefully chronicled in the coming days and weeks. Will Winston Peters stand up for the truth of this situation? How can he not! Will tens - even hundreds of thousands of Kiwis in NZ and around the world stand with Winston? How can we not! This is a huge destiny moment for the two Winstons, - and for us all.

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"A huge destiny moment for the two Winstons"! Yes, indeed!

Whatever you think of politicians, they usually allow themselves to be blown in the wind of what is wanted by the people. The people need to lead this one and be a very noisy minority - then Winston will follow.

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